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(3-3-21) From this morning: EXCELLENT SHOW - AND WE ALL CAN JOIN THE SHERIFF'S MOVEMENT (here) !! - 3.3.21 - Scott McKay "Patriot Streetfighter" Interview with Sheriff Mack. Update on Alan Parrot (WHISTLEBLOWER) who had Terrabytes of criminal activity/proof soon to be released regarding [Bin Laden] (audio & documents) - "Trump will be back very soon" - dropping maybe in April. Most all will be revealed - (Anna Khaitt) here. (3-2-21) So, I've been rebuilding this website in my spare time, in a temporay location. I have most of the structure in place and next I'll be adding text to every page. It no doubt will take weeks, probably months to build.. -always improving, always learning, always trying to share truth, and always holding the line.. -on MANY topics, not just Sev. Here's a pirated snapshot of the new design, click on it (click Back to return here). Scott is online here. Biden got $4 billion from Chynuh to allow them to create the recenet snow storm over Texas, where at least 23 died and tons of damages. Biden also got $4.5 from Chynuh and Ukraine which is a total of $8.5 billion. Nesara expected to come online in the future. (3-1-21) Scott was live here yesterday. (2-27-21) Chilling today, not watching much news today. Trying to get ideas for rebuilding this website. It started as a small thing just for me, now expanded much bigger. I had 1000 visitors the first week I shared the link a month ago. I appreciate you guys. Please share this page -no ad's, no BS, no fluff. When I rebuild this website, I'll have topics broken down in separate pages, I know this one gets long and it might be hard for new people to understand. I'm using a very old web editor (MS Expression Web 4), so I bought a sweet one called Pinegrow -that's a struggle, and I don't have time to struggle. We have a country to save !! ---> HOLD THE LINE !! (2-25-21) New website to buy American - goods and services. Sign up, then buy American here. Scott should be beginning his show soon, I'll post link as soon as he does. NOTE: MANY SITES ARE NOW DOWN OR SUFFERING BIG TIME. PER DOWNDETECTOR.com ABOUT 25 LARGE COMPANIES, SUCH AS YOUTUBE, XBOX, MICROSOFT, GOOGLE, and most of the rest are online games. DS communicates via gaming chats to stay anonomous.. -hopefully White Hats are making the DS their bitches right now !! Scott's most viewed video is from Nov. 2020 here. YT back online, here's Scott's link here but starts later at 7:00pm (CST). Scott's show has on a famous guest called Krystal Tini, she seems like a terrific person. No big drops from Scott yet tho, just a great conversation. Talking about creating your own reality -which I agree fully on. Be sure to watch this show. (2-24-21) Scott is about to start his show here. "OPERATION RESTORATION." The Federal Reserse was shut down today. The quantum financial sysytem is going online now. Yesterday, a contact said 4 of 5 generals gave the green light to do so. Banks were unable to send/receive wire transfers today for an hour, but then resumed -although many delays. Reddit.com was down (servers maxed out) related to Gamestop event.. -back online now tho (it was a second shutdown). Trading stopped (again). Gamestop's price shot from $40 to $200 a share, busting the balls of the [DS].. -possible white hat op (mentioned on 17 board long ago?). More Gamestop action expected tomorrow. (2-23-21) SUSPECTED FAKE SITE TO COLLECT PATRIOT INFORMATION (per RedPill78) here. (2-22-21) Scott starting live right now here. Operation Restoration. Simon Parkes' new video here. A Rothchild said to have set explosives underground so they can blow any time.. -buried near water tables to poison us. "The Plan To Save The World by Joe M" - most famous video, be sure to share. :-) Open your horizon here: "Secret Base on the Ceres Asteroid." Another great one: "15 Things School Won’t Teach You." - "The Moon Is Not What You Think - What They Saw Will Shock You." - "The Moon is Artificial and I Can Prove It: Alien Observatory." (2-21-21) Wow, I just found this: "Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015. And 2017" (link). Excellent video on med-beds which we will soon have !! (video) (article). (2-20-21) I haven't been able to find Scott a few nights, he's been a guest on another show or two. He had a great interview with Charlie Ward, a guy who dropping gold nuggets during the conversation. I'll def begin following him.. -I've seen him in the past several times and have always been intrigued by him. (I added his link above). Same for Simon Parkes, I've seen him many times and he also drops terrific nuggets (daily). (Link above). I see Scott had a video today (2-20-21) and the description says 300,000 children rescured from Melborne (AU) DUMBs !! -Wow, that's great and sure shows action is still going on behind the scenes (link here). I'll be watching that shortly. I'm now listening to Scott's video, and says JFK, Jr. is alive and wife, etc. -that's the first time I've heard such strong opinion on that topic. More elites backing [BLM]. I'm listening now, but you need to listen for yourself.. -I type slowly and have ADHD (LOL). Scott is now discussing race, and the BS pushed on our younger people and used as tools by [DS]. The only racists are the D's and DS and we're all being played like pawns. No issues until [BO] was president. Much of Hollywood is pedo's and only make movies on the side, to network, get their satanic word out, symbolism, etc. Vote with your dollars.. -don't do business with D or pedo-ran businesses. I deleted my FB after 15 yrs, and Messenger, and Twitter, and cancelled Netflix. Buy Goya groceries, lots of misc good stuff, the CEO is pro-Trump. Monkey seems to have lost all trust in the return of 45, he focuses more on the religious videos although still has occassional plane videos.. -check out his store, he sells high quality unique items. Scott.. -chemtrails are loaded with nano bots and are in our body, and the 5G will activate them to jack us up. There is a vacine to rid us of the nano's however.. -this will come out later. Another topic, [B] is trying to pass a law to make us all report all our guns, where they are, who owns them, where they are hidden, etc. B is also trying to pack another CV check with tons of more pork/waste -money going to all their wishlist, saving us for last. He also clearly said it's the end of the US first, and he'll be changing that soon. Here's another link to Scott interviewing a fully legit guy, dropping gold nuggets, def watch and listen close here. Estimated there will be litteraly 1 million kids rescued from Australia and another million from Phillipeans. Most of the kids have never seen the sun (literaly).. -some DUMBs are a mile under the earth's surface, kids get the bends when brought up too quickly (killing them). 6000 topics to be declassed, and med-beds (alien technology). Wow, Scott just said "all these ventilators Trump is having built, are actually med-beds for these kids.. -WOW. And there are 10,000 DUMB's. (2-15-21) Scott just went live here. He spoke on various topics, always great of course. More info on Veterans who worked around "burn pits" on duty and their extreme struggles. I also watched an incredible video cram-packed with great info, discussing Secret Space Program (SSP), Dark Fleet, Dracos, bases on the Moon and Mars, bed-beds, and tons of other info. Keep a very open mind and learn. (Hint: Disclosure topics). Link here. (2-11-21) Monkey mentioned yesterday tens of thousands NG from AL went to FL. Scott's show here for YT, but keep in mind he will delete that tonight after a few hrs, then re-post on Rumble. His links are above. I don't post here every night, it depends how much info is released. I have about 5 videos I want to post soon. I love that states are beginning to sue [B] about some of these BS laws/signings going on. TX and FL are rising up, I hope others will too. OK, let's listen to Scott.. -Fort Worth had a 70 car pile-up ?! Caused by ice, pray for them, 5 passed. (much love to the families). Dillion O'Conner arrested for trying to meet underage girl (allegedly).. -he is a doctor at a wold-famous childen's hospital. School in OH closed due to many side effects from taking vacc!ne. Tesla technologies coming out to help humanity.. -anti-gravity vehicles coming, we already have patents, also for free energy. Fukishma event caused by underground explosions on purpose by [DS] in order to cause mass confusion so they can kidnap many, many kids for adrenochrome. Epstein said to be in Greenland. DUMBS in DC are now cleared.. -explosions heard, saving children. All lights still out at night at capital, pitch dark. (2-8-21) Scott had a few days back (here). LT from And We Know is the guest tonight (awesome guy and terrific YT channel). Super Bowl.. -satanic symbolism big time. LT had a lot of awesome things to say -his shows are great (here). Scott continued his show, ending the normal show but then he dialed into his radio show and is continuing with LT, so you might hear a few commericials as they transition to the radio show.
(2-4-21) Mayamar
arrests..-election fraud, the country also has deep pizza
things going on. Clinton, etc, pix now coming out with pix
with all these kings and leaders, all connected by pizza.
Mother Teresa and Dali llama both child traffickers. Why
does the Nobel Peace Prize goes to all these ped0’s
(worldwide)? (2-3-21) Scott's live shows will always be uploaded to Rumble and is removed daily off YT. His links are above. Ted Cruz's wife is connected to [DS]. Only 2-4 good Republicans. Jamie Tarisis(?) and Travolta's wife both died recently -not a coincidence, not for the reasons we were told. Travolta's son's death may have been a sacrifice, that's what Hollywood does to climb their satanic ladder (many examples). 18 dead in a 10 day period.. -high profile people, mostly all are politicians from around the world, wow all within 10 days. Super Bowl and puppy show references.. -Scott tells us to research 17 for info. (possible link) Jeff Bezos, CEO.. -stepping down from Amazon, his replacement is the guy who shut down Parler. A defense contractor.. -confirmed big defense projects are extremely evil, very much so, more than you can imagine. Saudia Arabia.. -the sword dance with 45 publicly showed the world 45 is king of their country, since he exposed all the proof against SA's [DS]. The new prince then raided all the criminal princes. Raids on pizza locations, freed 2000 kids who were caged ready for consumption. Putin was killing Isis.. -to destroy more underground DUMBS. A 17 drop.. -"Shall we play a game ? - [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming" = NCSWIC = "National Council Of Statewide Interoperatibilty Coordinators" [link] -this is how the MIL communicates. Lastly, 17 drop 51.. -read it, it's what's happening to us. (2-2-21) Scott's show tonight here. People are selling more silver on paper than there is silver, scamming big time, mostly run by cabal. Jeff Bezos, CEO from Amazon "resigned." Amazon has banned Q books on their website. Patriot-themed businesses started by the guest on Scott's show, Dustin Nemos. (businesses were not discussed). Gamestop.. -confusing stuff, but being done to show how DS manipulates market. Explaining how they cheat and steal and buy silver and gold at extremely low prices. Just printed trillions of dollars in paper money. A scam, and whoever does not physically have the silver in-hand, will end up getting ripped off. Same may happen with gold. Gamestop.. -conflicts of interest at new WH, spouses, etc. in the financial industry. Alot of banks might start to go out of business. Myanmar.. -their MIL arrested many of their top leaders due to big time voter fraud. The US fake news MSM is spinning it as a MIL coup since they say they were fairly elected (cough,cough). I think [B] made some comments about protecting their contry or something -hard to follow his logic. Lots of coincidences to here and there, we'll seem. Keep your popcorn handy.. NESARA.. -hundreds of millions of dollars hidden from us, being collected during the crimes against humanity crimes. (No firm info on this topic). The US dollar is collapsing big time. Stocks, bonds, and real estate future def looking bad. Middle class will improve in the long term. 401k.. -The Retirement Gamble movie explains how 401k is a scam. An IRA might be a better option. Silver market.. -they may try to confiscate it all due to a war (etc.), suggests to bury it, yes, bury. Our MIL is pacing themselves to help protect Americans from harm (rumors of dirty bombs, etc. in suitaces hidden all over the US), instead of rushing in for all the arrests. However, arrests are gradually being done behind the scenes. Our stimulus checks will keep weakening the dollar. His financial guest was Dustin Nemos (his social media here). NOTE: Scott will start taking off Fridays and Saturdays, but will get online if something big pops. (2-1-21) GoFundMe is owned by Facebook.. -consider using GiveSendGo instead, which is Christian based (and no fees). More chatter about February being a month of big action, actually starting Feb. 1 due to estimated timeframes. From a Chynuh contact on a videostream called "His Glory": He has validated Scott's info from the other day. The following was his message, although no proof: "Trump will provide a specific message this week thru a media interview, but you must listen closely. Explanation of 45 remaining president and all being revealed before the impeachment scam. Buckle up for more info from us, who have now been revealed as The Guardians. Please share this with your followers." The Burmese (Myanmar(?) military just took over the gov for massive voter fraud, who were under a dictator. US Dem White House trying to protect the fraud election in Burmese. The recent GameStop scandel might be spearheaded by White Hats, but no proof yet. (1-31-21) Trump's codename is Mogul. Chynuh president has been removing CCP top military brass and preparing their soldiers and US military to take over the country peacefully. CCP resources to be removed by end of March. Mogul is in FL. CCP is merely a new name for the Kazera(?) Mafia. Stop wearing masks !! We need to stop shopping at stores that require masks, etc. NASCAR is going to back BLM and let them have a car, even tho the garage noose was all a FAKE. Next topic, Robinhood/Gamestop with Kat.. (confusing, but explained). The acts were criminal. Jed Bush made secret investment 1 day before 9/11. Lots of evil things done by that family. Scott has great plans for things we can all do once all this [DS] stuff is over with. Excellent show from Scott 1-2 days ago not previously linked to on this site -incredible info, truly, must watch here.
(1-28-21) Scott will be live again at 6:00pm (CST) - he's
using this YT page (here),
but then deletes it after the show and uploads to his Rumble
account. His links are in a section ABOVE.
(((LINK))) Another great show.. spoke of
the E they're trying to stick us with, terrific info but I
won't type it here. Also, we need more people to wake up -
one way of measuring how awake people are, is how many
people are still wearing masks. [DS] trying to bury all
their illegalities committed over the last 4 years. He
explained the [SR] event, and how he likely died at the
hospital. Guess who was at the hospital before [SR]
arrived?.. -Donna Brazil and Muriel(?) Browser(?) (the mayor
of the city).
Two of Scott's YT accounts deleted by the overlords a little
while ago. I believe he'll be on Rumble
here NOW. I think YT banned Scott from all his
channels, so he's on Rumble right now. Looks like there are
2 co-hosts on the show. "Mega Info" or "Maga Info" is a new
platform being built for Patriots. Scott using Patriot
Streetfighter 3 and then 4 if 3 gets taken out.. -it seems
he may still have some access to YT. Many, many governments have recently resigned throughout the world. Lady
Gaga is most likely a satanist, seen wearing panda eyes (reference to
child pizza). We will rid this country of the [DS}. Rumor that [BLM] and
[Ant!fa] are the shock-troops of the D's, might see more problems from
them. Someone important arrested in Amsterdam today -great news (but I
could not hear the name)..-New York Post has info (possible link
33 children saved from traffickers recently. Native Americas concerned
about [B]'s new laws which seem to be going against treaties.
To be clear, I certainly am not 17 and do not have any
awesome connections to
top military. |