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I'll use this page for shout-outs and sending positive vibes.
Lots of great people out there, vibing high, sharing truth, and
working on their asension from 3D. :-)
I have been on my journey
for years now and have many people to thanks. Those from long
ago, to present. Many of them are mentioned on my Patriot
Influencers page, but there are many more. Collective
consciousness is very important for mankind to make a smoother
ascension to 4D, so I meditate as often as I can.
Did you know when people do mass meditations with thousands of
people, crime rate around the world drops substantially. Also,
did you know when the [FF] twin towers were destroyed and
thousands of people were terrified and in mourning as they
watched the news, the collective conscience of all of them
actually was measurable. The
Resonance showed dramatic changes in the waves surrounding
earth.. -so, collective consciousness is def a thing. Also, as
the waves peak, some people can sense that and are affected.
Here is a current
chart, but
this app is free and handy. A group called
Connecting Consciouness led by the awesome Simon Parkes is a
terrific group to look into
OK, I'm off topic. Many to thank, many to learn from, and I do
my best to help others who want to learn.
I'll update this page as time permits. Thank you for checking
out my website. :-)

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